Abbas Kiarostami
From The Traveler to Ten, Abbas Kiarostami’s films offer an inside, delicate look at Iran that the world, including most Iranians, have never witnessed. Kiarostami accomplished this with tremendous innovation. World Cinema has learned much from these films, and recognized this with countless commendations—notably the Palme d’Or at Cannes. These eight films provide an education about Iran’s people and a profound take on the human mind and soul—cinema’s original promise to the world.
When you take a tree that is rooted in the ground, and transfer it from one place to another, the tree will no longer bear fruit. And if it does, the fruit will not be as good as it was in its original place. This is a rule of nature. I think if I had left my country, I would be the same as the tree. -Abbas Kiarostami