Building Policies

Building policies

We thank our patrons for being respectful and compassionate of others during our film screenings and events. IU Cinema respects every patron’s First Amendment rights. However, as part of a public institution, we have a duty and a responsibility to maintain a safe and civil public space.

Violation of any of our policies regarding appropriate conduct could result in removal from IU Cinema without a refund.

IU Cinema is a public space open to all. For everyone’s health and safety, including your own, we encourage you to wear a mask while in the Cinema, and ask you stay home if you feel ill.

Mobile phones and other electronic devices must be silenced or turned off during all IU Cinema events.

The use of cameras and recording devices during any film screening is strictly forbidden. The recording of copyrighted material is illegal. Piracy is a serious federal offense punishable by federal laws. Cinema staff reserves the right to inspect any device if the patron is suspected of any recording. Violators will be ejected from the Cinema after all recordings have been confiscated for evidence. Authorities will be contacted and charges will be filed.

Patrons are permitted to take photographs for most lectures, film introductions, and post-film Q&A sessions, unless otherwise noted. Approval to record video or audio of lectures, film introductions, and post-film Q&A sessions must be obtained from IU Cinema staff before the day of the event.

Food and beverages are not permitted inside the IU Cinema theater space, with the exception of water. Please feel free to consume food and beverages in the upper or lower lobbies before entering the theater space.

IU Cinema does not permit any items inside of the theater space that cannot be contained within the seat of the patron, including bicycles, oversized luggage, or large musical instruments. Please do not use the seat next to you to store items. If you have a large item that cannot be contained within your seat, please see a house staff member for assistance.

IU Cinema does not permit items that would detract from the moviegoing experience, including fake weapons, face-covering masks, or large hats. Patrons possessing such items will be asked to remove and store them for the duration of the film screening/event. Masks being used for health reasons and illness are exempt from this policy and will be allowed at IU Cinema events. Patrons are welcome to come dressed in costumes that don’t include prohibited items.

Items that are found in IU Cinema are kept until the end of the semester. At the end of each semester, all unclaimed items are donated to a local charity. If you think you left something here, contact us.

Disruptions can interfere with the enjoyment of all IU Cinema patrons. Any patron disturbing others in any way—including excessive talking, aggressive behavior, using excessive profanity, alcohol- and drug-induced behavior, using electronic devices during a screening or event, and engaging in disorderly conduct or vandalism—will first receive a verbal warning from Cinema staff. If the disruption continues, Cinema staff reserves the right to remove the patrons engaging in or causing the disruptive behavior.

Any patron engaging in verbal expression or physical conduct that demeans or demonstrates hostility toward an individual because of race, color, national origin, ethnic background, religion, gender or gender expression, national origin, age, disability, or sexual orientation will not be tolerated at Indiana University or IU Cinema. Individuals engaging in such conduct will be ejected immediately from IU Cinema and will not receive a refund or exchange for their ticket.

Alcohol, cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, and illicit drugs are not permitted on IU Cinema property.

Our building policies are designed to create the optimal environment for watching films: one with minimal distractions and maximum respect for other patrons and the show.