
About Gravity Was Everywhere Back Then

Year Released:

Leonard and Mary meet in a car crash. They fall instantly in love, and live happily ever after—until Mary gets sick. Desperate to save her, Leonard decides that if he builds a house for Mary, it will heal her. Inspired by the real actions of a very eccentric man named Leonard Wood, filmmaker Brent Green brings to life this love story like no other in his first feature-length film. Shot entirely on the full-scale town he built in his backyard, Green combines animation, stop-motion, and live-action in an ethereal opus to lovers and tinkerers everywhere. (Digital presentation.)

The film is accompanied by live music, and filmmaker Brent Green is scheduled to be present. Musicians include Brent Green (narration, guitar), Donna K (live sound effects), Todd Chandler (of Dark Dark Dark), Mike McGinley (of Califone, the Bitter Tears), Drew Henkels (guitar, theramin), and John Michael Swartz (cello).

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