This screening includes I Am Somebody

- Date and time:
- Fri, Jan 18, 2013, From 4–4:28 pm
- Runtime:
- 28 min
- Cost:
- Free, but ticketed
Series: Additional Films and Guests
Series: Additional Films and Guests
In 1969, filmmaker Madeline Anderson documented the
story of 400 poorly paid black American hospital workers in
Charleston, South Carolina who went on strike and demanded
a fair wage increase, only to find themselves in a confrontation
with the state government and National Guard. Supported
by such notable figures as Andrew Young and Coretta Scott
King, the women moved forward under the guidance of a New
York-based union, and the Southern Christian Leadership
Conference. Madeline Anderson is scheduled to present a
lecture after the film. (16mm presentation)
This event is part of the 2013
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Day
Celebration at Indiana University.
Sponsors include the Office of the
Vice President for Diversity, Equity,
and Multicultural Affairs, Black Film
Center/Archive, Neal-Marshall Black
Culture Center and IU Cinema.