This screening includes 2014 Iris Film Festival

- Date and time:
- Sat, Feb 1, 2014, From 6:30–8:10 pm
- Runtime:
- 1 hr 40 min
- Cost:
- Free, but ticketed
Series: Additional Films and Guests
Series: Additional Films and Guests
The program includes:
Dinner for Two (Connor Ebbinhouse)
I Drum, I Eat Tacos (Garrett Portinge)
Gibberish (Claudia Krogmeier)
Alfonsina Storni: A Dedication, Part I
(Hildegard Elisabeth Keller and Carter Ross)
The Alien (Benjamin Nichols)
Humpty Dumpty (Colin Denhart)
Political Animals (Aysehan Julide Etem)
Spirit World (Jeron Braxton)
Sexy Breakfast (Ben Tamir Rothenberg)
Unrequited: Chapter 1 (David Ross)
Sleight (Ryan Fish)
Paper Jam (Connor Ebbinghouse)
Handle With Care (Ben Velzen)
A Night in Forest (Colin Denhart)
Alfonsina Storni, A Dedication, Part II
(Hildegard Elisabeth Keller and Carter Ross)
For more information regarding the festival and film submission, visit here.