
About 2014 Iris Film Festival

Year Released:
The Indiana University Department of Communication and Culture's Iris Film Festival showcases innovative, inspired and engaging films and videos in the short format, many of which originate from members of the Bloomington and Indiana University communities. The festival provides a venue for students to showcase their talent, as well as celebrate the great film and video work created by independent filmmakers in the Bloomington community. (Digital Presentation)

The program includes: Dinner for Two (Connor Ebbinhouse)
I Drum, I Eat Tacos (Garrett Portinge)
Gibberish (Claudia Krogmeier)
Alfonsina Storni: A Dedication, Part I
    (Hildegard Elisabeth Keller and Carter Ross)
The Alien (Benjamin Nichols)
Humpty Dumpty (Colin Denhart)
Political Animals (Aysehan Julide Etem)
Spirit World (Jeron Braxton)
Sexy Breakfast (Ben Tamir Rothenberg)
Unrequited: Chapter 1 (David Ross)
Sleight (Ryan Fish)
Paper Jam (Connor Ebbinghouse)
Handle With Care (Ben Velzen)
A Night in Forest (Colin Denhart)
Alfonsina Storni, A Dedication, Part II
    (Hildegard Elisabeth Keller and Carter Ross)

For more information regarding the festival and film submission, visit here.

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