
About Pandora's Box/Die Büchse der Pandora

A master of early German cinema, G.W. Pabst turns his careful directorial eye on Louise Brooks's character Lulu, a brash yet innocent showgirl whose sexual vivacity has a devastating effect on all in her orbit. Simultaneously lurid, controversial, daring, and stylish, the film's enduring legacy is thanks to Brooks, whose work in the film is a testament to her dazzling presence and staunch individuality as a "star" and an actress. [141 min; crime, drama, romance; English intertitles]

Silent Movie Day is an annual celebration of silent movies meant to champion their presentation and preservation while highlighting their vital, beautiful, and powerful part of film history. You can learn more about this national program at

"Ultra-sophisticated silent cinema." — The New York Times

"With Pandora's Box you forget that it's black and white. You forget that the internet has yet to happen... You forget that more than two hours have gone by. You forget because it's completely modern... 100 per cent gripping and involving." — The Spectator

"G.W. Pabst's extraordinary, erotic and tragic adaptation/conflation of two Wedekind plays, Pandora's Box owes to the electrifying, photogenic and iconic presence of Louise Brooks." — Time Out

Any film screened at IU Cinema may contain content that viewers find sensitive or upsetting. Visit our Audience Advisories page to learn more.

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