
About Mad Max: Fury Road

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Action/Adventure, Science Fiction

Tom Hardy is “Mad” Max Rockatansky in this action-packed fourth installment of George Miller’s post-apocalyptic film franchise. In Mad Max: Fury Road, a captured Max finds himself caught in a road war between tyrannical ruler Immortan Joe and fierce rebel Imperator Furiosa (an exceptional Charlize Theron). Relying primarily on live-action practical stunts and limited CGI, the unpredictable thrill-ride that follows is a triumph of action filmmaking as visually rich as it is technically impressive. It is no surprise that the film took home six Oscars at the 2016 Academy Awards, including a much-deserved Best Film Editing win for Margaret Sixel. Four years after its initial release, Mad Max: Fury Road still sparks lively conversation as both a cinematic marvel and an arguably feminist narrative text. In English and Russian with English subtitles. Contains explicit content, including sexual violence, strong language, and violence.

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