
About The X-Files

The X-Files (known to fans by its tagline Fight the Future) is the big-screen debut of everyone’s favorite FBI agents, Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. As they investigate a bomb threat, Mulder suspects a government conspiracy is afoot when a doctor visits him about a mysterious virus. Featuring recurring characters from the television show, while introducing new faces as well, The X-Files delivers a fun, thrilling adventure for fans and newbies alike! And remember: the truth is out there. [121 min; sci-fi, thriller; Alien and English]

Programmed by IU Cinema Administrative Operations Manager Elizabeth Roell.

"Dark, funny, paranoid, arbitrary, humming with tamped-down eroticism and in love with all things weird." — Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly

"Stylish, scary, sardonically funny and at times just plain gross." — Michael O'Sullivan, Washington Post

"Lives up to the standard set by its small-screen predecessor's superb early seasons." — David Nusair, Reel Film Reviews

Any film screened at IU Cinema may contain content that viewers find sensitive or upsetting. Visit our Audience Advisories page to learn more.

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