
About Whiplash

Whiplash is a psychological drama directed by Damien Chazelle, exploring the intense world of music through a young drummer and his relentless mentor. The film began as a 2013 short, winning the Sundance Short Film Jury Award, with protagonist Andrew Nieman inspired by Chazelle’s own experiences as a jazz drummer. With powerful performances by J.K. Simmons and Miles Teller, Whiplash delves into the fine line between ambition and obsession. Celebrate its 10th anniversary with us and enjoy the show! [107 min; drama; English]

Programmed by IU Cinema projectionist Monisha Mansukhani.

"Whiplash is a monster of a film, paced with a kinetic energy that moves like its own jazz piece." — Brendan Cassidy, InSession Film

"Putting everything into your art or sport of choice has been the theme of many a dramatic motion picture, but few pour out their passions with such volatile intensity as Whiplash." — Brian Eggert, Deep Focus Review

"This is a rare treat combining remarkable acting, music, energy, and twists that will follow you out of the theater." — Don Shanahan, Every Movie Has a Lesson

Any film screened at IU Cinema may contain content that viewers find sensitive or upsetting. Visit our Audience Advisories page to learn more.

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