China Remixed
China Remixed reflects all of the ways the arts and humanities of the Chinese cultural diaspora impact Indiana University, and IU in turn engages with the arts and humanities of China. The programs focus on contemporary arts and humanities—cutting-edge cultural activity and research that speaks to today’s world. The festival looks at how the past is translated into the present, how one culture’s traditions adapt to another’s, and how experiences of travel and migration create new identities and communities. Sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Council at IU Bloomington, the Office of the Provost, and IU Cinema.
Coming up in this series
Previously in this series

This screening includes Bingbing and the Young Pioneers (好好学习, 天天向上 Working Cut)
Sat, April 1, 2017, 7 pm

This screening includes Papa Rainbow
Mon, March 27, 2017, 7 pm

This screening includes Mama Rainbow
Sun, March 26, 2017, 6:30 pm

This screening includes Professor Zhen Zhang Lecture
Fri, March 24, 2017, 3 pm

This screening includes The Love of Mr. An
Fri, March 24, 2017, 7 pm