Thomas Antonic
Thomas Antonic is an award-winning poet, musician, writer, filmmaker, and multimedia artist who also holds a PhD in German Literature and Philosophy. He works mainly in the fields of experimental literature and multimedia intersections of poetry, film, music, visual arts, cut-up, improvisation, spontaneous prose, and other principles of coincidence. The author of numerous publications in German and English, Antonic's most recent books include Flickering Cave Paintings of Noxious Nightbirds / Flackernde Felsbilder übler Nachtvögel (poetry, 2017), Wolfgang Bauer (biography, 2018), and Amongst Nazis: William S. Burroughs in Vienna 1936/37 (essay, 2020). Antonic is a Visiting Researcher at Stanford University and Research Fellow at the University of California in Berkeley. He lives and works mostly in Vienna, Austria.