This screening includes The Seven-Per-Cent Solution

- Date and time:
- Sat, Nov 12, 2011, From 6:30–8:23 pm
- Runtime:
- 1 hr 53 min
- Cost:
- Free
Series: Additional Films and Guests
Series: Additional Films and Guests
Based on the Arthur Conan Doyle characters of the Sherlock Holmes franchise, The Seven-Per-Cent Solution was the last major, big-budget Holmes film made the old-fashioned way—big stars (Nicole Williams, Robert Duvall, Alan Arkin, Vanessa Redgrave), beautiful scenery, and swashbuckling adventure untouched by digital effects. Nicholas Meyer wrote the film’s screenplay, and was nominated for an Academy Award for adapting his own novel to the screen. The film was a hit and garnered critical praise. This thirty-fifth anniversary screening is co-sponsored by Wessex Press and Gillette to Brett III, a conference devoted to Sherlock Holmes on stage, screen, television, and radio. Events include rare Sherlockian films, vendors, and an all-star roster of distinguished speakers, presenters, and events. (35mm)