
About Inglourious Basterds

Year Released:
Action/Adventure, Drama

World War II as re-imagined by Quentin Tarantino, this sprawling and wildly violent revenge fantasy pays homage to 1960s actionadventure war films such as The Dirty Dozen and The Guns of Navarone. A squad of Jewish American soldiers, AKA the “inglourious basterds” terrorize German soldiers in Nazi-occupied France while British spies gather intelligence on Hitler and a young Jewish woman plots to avenge the death of her family – all whose fates are set to connect. (35mm presentation)   The film is sponsored by Themester, and the College of Arts and Sciences. This fall, Themester explores the theme of Good Behavior, Bad Behavior: Molecules to Morality. Films were chosen to complement Themester courses and contribute to our understanding of the possibilities and limits of distinguishing “good” from “bad” behavior; panel discussions with Themester faculty members will follow most screenings.

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