
About All the King's Men

Year Released:
This timeless film portrays the modern American political system as one endemic with corruption, where power-hungry politicians try to manipulate the voters like sheep. Broderick Crawford plays a charismatic Southern politician in this adaptation of Robert Penn Warren’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, based loosely on the career of the notorious U.S. Senator (1932-35) Huey Long. For their skillful depictions of how political power can corrupt even those with the best intentions, both Crawford and Mercedes McCambridge won Oscars® for their performances. The film also won the Oscar® for Best Picture that year. (35mm presentation)

These screenings for Good Behavior/Bad Behavior in U.S. Elections are being sponsored by Department of Political Science, College of Arts & Sciences, Themester, Department of Communication and Culture, Political and Civic Engagement Program (PACE), and IU Cinema. Each screening will be preceded by an introduction from a faculty member.

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