
About I Am with You

Year Released:
Io sono con te
I Am with You is a story about motherhood . It follows Mary of Nazareth from the conception of her son Jesus through his adolescence. It focuses on Mary and her relationship with her son, supported by the evolving presence of Joseph, the patriarch who agrees to forgo the dominant male role. The film addresses the topics of birth, growth, and the upbringing of children, all from a uniquely female point of view. The story has a universal appeal, relating to fundamental moments and deep-rooted expectations that accompany the life of every child.

(35mm presentation, Italian language with English subtitles.)

Director Guido Chiesa is scheduled to be present.

Simposio Cinematografico sulle Nuove Tendenze
nel Cinema Italiano Moderno e Contemporaneo

Screenings are sponsored by the Department of French and Italian and the IU Cinema. Special thanks to Antonio Vitti and Andrea Ciccarelli. The series is sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences, the Mary-Margaret Barr Koon Fund, the Office of the Provost, the Office of the Vice President for International Affairs, the College Arts and Humanities Institute, the Olga Ragusa Fund for the Study of Modern Italian Literature and Culture, and the IU Cinema.

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