This screening includes Blind Mountain

- Date and time:
- Sun, Feb 12, 2012, From 6:30–8:13 pm
- Runtime:
- 1 hr 43 min
- Cost:
- Free
Series: Additional Films and Guests
Series: Additional Films and Guests
In his first film since the acclaimed and equally devastating Blind Shaft, Director Li Yang proves to be a master of cinematic tension as he turns from corruption of China's illegal mining from his previous film, to the even more horrifying illegal trade in women. Bax Xuemei is young college graduate who yearns for a life as budding urban capitalist but ends up drugged and sold as the "bride" of rural brute.
(35mm presentation, Mandarin language with English subtitles)
The Price of Labor: Human Trafficking Film Series The screening is sponsored by the Center for the Study of Global Change, International Studies Program, Campus Coalition Against Trafficking (Indiana University Chapter), and IU Cinema. Special thanks to Professor Stepanka Korytova.