
About Appropriate Behavior/Two Lakes

Year Released:
Comedy, Experimental
Appropriate Behavior (2014) Directed by Desiree Akhavan
Two Lakes (2012) Directed by Annette Knol

For Shirin, being part of a perfect Persian family isn’t easy. Her family doesn’t know she’s bisexual, and her ex-girlfriend, Maxine, can’t understand why she doesn’t tell them. Following a family announcement of her brother’s betrothal to a parentally approved Iranian prize catch, Shirin embarks on a private rebellion involving a series of pansexual escapades.

Two Lakes is a handmade camera-less film, collectively created from piles of color gels. This tapestry of hues is accompanied by voice-over to tell the story of a teenager who moves to “The City.” Between low-paying jobs, lesbian parties, and junk food, she falls in love. The outcome is an explosion of shapes and colors that create a parallel universe to a young woman wandering through a new life. (2K DCP presentation)

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