This screening includes By Blood: A Documentary Film

- Date and time:
- Tues, March 22, 2016, From 7–8:04 pm
- Runtime:
- 1 hr 4 min
- Cost:
- Free, but ticketed
Series: Additional Films and Guests
Series: Additional Films and Guests
At the turn of the 19th century, the U.S. government’s efforts to “civilize” the Cherokee and Seminole Nations included encouraging African slave labor. After the Civil War, these slaves became known as “Freedmen” and were granted membership within the tribes. Now, almost 150 years later, the tribes have disenfranchised descendants of Freedmen and excluded them from tribal benefits. By Blood follows the Freedmen as they battle to regain their tribal citizenship, manifesting a broader conflict about race, identity, and the sovereign rights of indigenous people. This screening is sponsored by the Native American and Indigenous Studies program, the departments of American Studies and History, First Nations and Educational and Cultural Center, Black Film Center/Archive, the Student Affairs Funding Board, and Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Multicultural Affairs. Directors Marcos Barbery and Sam Russell are scheduled to attend. (2K DCP Presentation)