This screening includes Mishehu Larutz Ito (Someone to Run With)

- Date and time:
- Tues, March 7, 2017, From 7–8:58 pm
- Runtime:
- 1 hr 58 min
- Cost:
- Free, but ticketed.
Series: Additional Films and Guests
Series: Additional Films and Guests
There will still be a post-film discussion with Josh Malitsky, Associate Professor in The Media School and Director of the Center for Documentary Research and Practice, and Stephen Katz, Professor of Modern Hebrew Language and Literature and Chair of the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures.
Teenager Asaf accompanies a dog, Dinka, through Jerusalem’s streets, discovering that Dinka’s owner is a teenage girl, Tamar. She is also out on her own journey, attempting to rescue her brother, as she moves from one challenging experience to another. In this film adaptation of David Grossman’s novel Someone to Run With, the protagonists exhibit good and bad choices of finding happiness in their lives. This film screening is part of “Authors Talk,” a program launched a year ago by the Borns Jewish Studies Program, which endeavors to bring authors of Hebrew and Yiddish literature to the Bloomington campus. This year’s keynote speaker and special guest is the novel’s author, David Grossman, who in addition to his central talk, will also offer readings of his works and meet with students and faculty. This screening is sponsored by the Borns Jewish Studies Program; the Center for the Study of the Middle East; Hutton Honors College; the Islamic Studies Program; the Office of the Vice President for International Affairs; the Office of the Vice Provost for Research; College Arts and Humanities Institute; the departments of Comparative Literature, Political Science, and Near Eastern Languages and Cultures; the School of Global and International Studies; and IU Cinema. In Hebrew with English subtitles. (HD Presentation)