
About Dreaming Rivers

Dreaming Rivers | Directed by Martina Attille: Dreaming Rivers is a film written and directed by Martina Attille for Sankofa Film & Video. In this allegorical work, actor Corinne Skinner Carter performs the role of Ms. T, a Black Caribbean woman in transition. Her children, Daughter (Angela Wynter), Sister (Nimmy March), and Sonny (Roderick Hart), sit at her bedside and attend to the unspoken intimacies of history and transnational belonging. [31 mins; drama; English]

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About Black Mother

Black Mother | Directed by Khalik Allah: Part film, part baptism, in Black Mother director Khalik Allah brings us on a spiritual journey through Jamaica. Soaking up its bustling metropolises and tranquil countryside, Allah introduces us to a succession of vividly rendered souls who call this island home. Their candid testimonies create a polyphonic symphony, set against a visual prayer of indelible portraiture. Thoroughly immersed between the sacred and profane, Black Mother channels rebellion and reverence into a deeply personal ode informed by Jamaica’s turbulent history but existing in the urgent present. [77 mins; documentary; English]

“One of the Ten Best Films of the Year. An astonishing film… it casts a spell from the start and is impossible to forget afterward.” — Alissa Wilkinson, Vox

“This is filmmaking as baptism; there’s almost nothing else like it.” — K. Austin Collins, Vogue

"Gliding from color to black and white, from digital to analog, from grim realism to spiritual ecstasy, the film  offers a song of praise to the island of Jamaica and a reckoning with its painful history and hard-pressed present." — A.O. Scott, The New York Times

"An undeniably transcendental spiritual awakening in audiovisual form." — Carlos Aguilar, Los Angeles Times

Home Is Where the Heart Is: Black Cinema's Exploration of Home is generously supported by the Women’s Philanthropy Leadership Council, the Black Philanthropy Circle, the Department of African American & African Diaspora Studies, Bloomington High School Black Culture Club, IDS' Black Voices, and the IU Black Student Union.

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Women's Philanthropy at Indiana University Logo.

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