
About CamperForce + Nomadland

CamperForce (Brett Story, 2017, Not Rated): An intimate look at the real people behind Amazon's seasonal labor unit, CamperForce. [16 min; documentary; English]

Nomadland (Chloe Zhao, 2020, R): A poetic character study on the forgotten and downtrodden, Nomadland beautifully captures the restlessness left in the wake of the Great Recession as a woman in her sixties, after losing everything, embarks on a journey through the American West, living as a van-dwelling modern-day nomad. Winner of three Academy Awards including Best Director, Best Actress, and Best Picture. [108 min; drama; English]

"McDormand implies in a performance of extraordinary depth and ambiguity both a search for something and an escape from something else, and not even she seems completely sure what either something is." — Dana Stevens, Slate

"Nomadland, with its beautiful simplicity, and wonderful performances, manages to be an elegant, profoundly moving film which shows the real value of living, rather than just surviving." — Zoe Margolia, CineVue

"What's most striking about Nomadland is the almost incidental manner in which it tells its stories—eschewing strident dramatic crises or narrative lurches for something altogether more ambient." — Mark Kermode, Observer

Any film screened at IU Cinema may contain content that viewers find sensitive or upsetting. Visit our Audience Advisories page to learn more.

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