
About The Russia House

While in Moscow, British publisher Barley Blair learns of a manuscript detailing the Soviet Union's nuclear missile capabilities. Knowing how crucial the information in the book is, MI5 and the CIA recruit Blair to investigate its editor, Katya Orlova. As Blair falls deeper into the origins of the book—and under Katya's spell—getting out of Moscow and protecting Katya becomes the fight of his life. The Russia House, adapted from a John le Carré novel, holds the distinction of being the first U.S. film shot substantially in Russia. [123 min; thriller, drama, romance; English and Russian]

"At its best, The Russia House offers a rare and enthralling spectacle: the resurrection of buried hopes." — Peter Travers, Rolling Stone

"This may be the most complex character [Sean] Connery has ever played, and without question it's one of his richest performances. Connery shows the melancholy behind Barley's pickled charm, all the wasted years and unkept promises." — The Washington Post

"It’s the lead actors who give the movie its surprisingly emotional texture. [Sean] Connery is masterly as the boozing, disheveled, sentimental Barley—a hipster gone to seed—and he and [Michelle] Pfeiffer have a touching chemistry." — Entertainment Weekly

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