Korea Remixed

Throughout the Spring 2022 semester, Korea Remixed, IU Arts and Humanities Council’s fifth annual Global Remixed festival, celebrates Indiana University’s ties to the people, art, and ideas that make Korean cultural so integral to the global culture of the 21st century. The festival invites students, faculty, and other community members to engage with visiting artists and scholars, as well as IU’s own campus collections, academic experts, and artists, all of whom expand our understanding of Korean culture and remix revered traditions with new modes of expression to create startling new works that challenge, enlighten, and inspire.
The full festival schedule and a list of exhibitions are available on the Korea Remixed website.

Coming up in this series
Previously in this series

This screening includes Seoul Station (Seoulyeok)
Thurs, April 7, 2022, 7 pm

This screening includes The Host
Tues, April 5, 2022, 7 pm

This screening includes Made-Up Story / Worst Woman
Tues, Feb 15, 2022, 7 pm