
About Holy Motors

Year Released:
Drama, Experimental

In his first feature film since 1999, Leo Carax (Pola X, Lovers on the Bridge) delivers a completely original and audacious film, reminding us of just how magical cinema can be.The film follows a day in the life of a very strange man named Monsieur Oscar (Denis Lavant). Oscar is chauffeured around Paris in a white limousine by a mysterious blonde woman named Céline (Edith Scob), to various meetings, for which he assumes bizarre disguises and persona. Each meeting is an adventure, each location a dreamscape, and persona, a reminder of the many roles that every one of us plays on any given day. Holy Motors is unlike any other film, and may have been the most offbeat film to compete for the Palme D’Or at the Cannes Film Festival. French language with English subtitles. (2K DCP presentation)

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